Therapeutic yoga is an inherently holistic approach, simultaneously working on the body, mind, and spirit. Various yoga practices systematically strengthen different systems in the body, including the heart and cardiovascular system, the lungs, muscles, and the nervous system. Yoga practices can improve function of the digestive system, foster psychological well-being, and improve oxygen delivery to tissues. Yoga also can help the body more efficiently remove waste products, carcinogens, and cellular toxins.
Most people in the West live stressful lives, and yoga - and by extension yoga therapy - is perhaps the best overall stress reduction system ever invented. Stress has been linked to a wide variety of medical problems, from migraine headaches and irritable bowel syndrome to potentially life-threatening conditions such as diabetes, osteoporosis, and heart disease. Since persistently high levels of stress hormones, particularly cortisol, can undermine function of the immune system, here too yoga can help.
The Modern Massage and Movement Therapy Center currently offers group and private yoga instruction both in person and online via Zoom. Private Yoga sessions can be booked via the Massagebook button on the left-hand side of the page.
We now have Gentle Flow Yoga, Chair Yoga, and Self-Care Sundays. All classes are $5 and 30 minutes long. Packages and subscritptions are available. On demand content coming soon!